Sunday, September 11, 2011


i feel like i'm the only one that feels like this, but you'd think that holding hands with a girl and giving her intimate hugs and a kiss on the cheek at 14 and 15, would mean something to the guy.. well atleast i think that. Someone once made a promise to me that he would be my very first kiss. and a year later with offs and ons, i've never had my first kiss or one from him. i feel like he's forgotten his promise, and he probably has. Which sucks so badly. i just wanna be like "hey layne, remember me?" sometimes. and whenever i text him he barely says anything. but i think about him all the time. and i just want to share lockers with him and have him be there for me. i want to kiss him and have him be that one thing that's a constant in my life, that makes me feel better when i'm sad, that i can always count on. <3 but it's too late now and he likes some other girl. </3