Sunday, July 24, 2011

Why do you believe in God?

Why do you believe in God?
            I believe in God because when I lie down in the green grass and stare up at the shining stars, I can’t help but know there’s something bigger out there. I know that we as humans were never a little piece of seaweed. I know that our perfect-working bodies weren’t the effect of a huge explosion. I know that something has been with me since I was born, listening and protecting me. I know that “something” was God.
            The simple things in life are confirmations that God exists. When I wake up in my very own unique position with crazy hair and drool on my pillow, that’s a blessing from someone heavenly. When I see the wide fields of green corn stalks for miles on, I know that’s the work of something more than man’s hand. When huge drops of clear water fall from the dark puffy clouds in the sky, I know that’s not just something that happens; it’s not just a coincidence. When I got bullied at school, it was one of God’s many miracles that I’m even stronger now. When I’m sitting on my couch watching the game show network and I see that the number one answer for places people like to be the least is church, I know that God wants me to change that. When I look around and realize that so many people support me, the true me, I know that God is lifting me up.
            I heard stories all the time of people overcoming their circumstances with God’s help, but I never even thought about them until I actually saw people in bad circumstances be built stronger. I’ll never forget any of the amazing testimonies I’ve heard now, because I believe. Even my own testimony has been extraordinary when I think about it. What I used to be? So much is different now. While occasionally my peers bring me down, I always get back up. I’m truly happy with who I am. That’s one of my biggest changes.
             I once told someone, “Sometimes it takes something extraordinary to believe.” How true that has actually come to be. 

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